Category Archives: Clarity and Vision

Clarity & Vision

Wow! Don’t you just love those days when everything clicks together in your mind?

Today is one of those days for me!

The clarity and vision that I am receiving feels life altering.

I have been on a journey, a journey of finding my passion. To do what I truly love most in life. That journey is to help as many moms as I can, find their passion. To be able to do what they truly love and still spend quality time with their family that they long to have.

I have been on a 4 year journey. A journey to find my passion, the thing I truly love most in life. The thing that inspires me. The thing that makes me feel like I’m on fire. The thing that I could sit and talk about all day and never tire of. I discovered that passion and now my journey involves a mission. My mission is to help other mom’s do what I did, to find their passion. To take that passion, that something they truly love, and create opportunities to live it while still spending quality time with their families.

My journey continues to lead me in many different directions. I find that sometimes I have to take a step back and analyze what is going to work best for my faith, my family and most of all, for myself. At times it feels like living my journey is an excruciatingly slow and even painful process. Other times, like today, things become amazingly clear and I feel invigorated!

I wish I could capture this feeling I have today, this clarity that surrounds me, and hold on to it. I wish I knew where it came from. How it happened. This is the recipe I want to share with other moms. This is something I wish everyone could feel. Maybe the recipe for this incredible feeling I have is this:

Follow your journey, discover your passion

Don’t get discouraged, re-evaluate

Arrive at a point in your life when YOU are ready for change

Make a commitment


For a long time I have struggled with what to do with my blog. I’ve followed my journey. I’ve discovered my passion. I’m at the point of change. I’m making a commitment. I guess it’s time for that final ingredient.

Let’s DO IT!

I’m making a commitment to start utilizing my blog as part of my mission to help other moms. Over time, I have struggled with what topics to cover. My coach Debbie Phillips (you can find her and Women On Fire on twitter and Facebook) knows my wish and knows my struggle. Once on a phone conversation I told her how I want to blog my honest truth about life as a mom…the struggles and the triumphs. I hesitate because I wonder how people will react to my truth! Will they relate to my struggles? Will they be inspired by my triumphs? Will I help anyone? Through Debbie I found Penelope Trunk’s blog. She is much like me, straight forward and honest. I love her honesty! When I saw that she has a little over 50,000 followers I thought, “WOW! Maybe people will accept my truths and join me in my continued journey and mission.”

So I’m just going to DO IT. I’m going to blog about my life; the trials, the tribulations, and the celebrations. The God’s honest truth. I hope it helps other moms out there. I hope my friends and family members understand, embrace, and support me.

Today it all came clear. This is the path I have to take. I’ve been holding it back too long. I’m letting it go. I’M DOING IT!

Today will be my first blog about my life; its joys and its struggles. It will be a blog about the Small Changes that I am making to become a better mother, wife, and friend. I hope to support and encourage others along the way. I hope to learn from you and you learn from me. My hope is to make you laugh, let you know that you are not alone, and most of all hopefully inspire you to make the Small Changes in your life that lead you to live the passion you deserve.

Here’s to the journey of the past, present and future and all the SMALL CHANGES along the way!!!


Filed under Clarity and Vision, Motherhood and finding your passion